CLYDEBANK High School turns 143 years old on August 11 and now former pupils can help piece together its history.

This photo, dated only as “1968/69”, is one of hundreds being digitised from the school’s paper archive with history teacher Paul Hamilton and former pupil Robert Jennings, working to identify everyone in the pictures.

Robert, who runs, dedicated to preserving the memories of pupils, teachers and staff, said there are hundreds of photos in the archives. And the Post will be sharing some of them to help piece together the missing pieces of the puzzles.

He said: “Since the website started, the site has received photos from around the world from former pupils. There are hundreds of photos in the archive, but many have no context or details of who features in the photos. Perhaps someone can help name the pupils featured or contribute your own photos.”

If you know the names from this picture, message Robert at or follow the site on Twitter @OldCHS.