WEST Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare has launched its annual Christmas appeal - and the organisation is hoping to help more children and families than ever before.

The award-winning charity has now started collecting new toys, gifts and selection packs for young people aged 0 to 17.

It is also looking for donations of food and toiletries to support local people experiencing poverty over the winter months.

Last year, with the support of the local community, the foodshare was able to provide Christmas gifts and toys to 965 children who would otherwise have received no gifts on Christmas morning. It expects demand to be even higher this year.

Trustee Clair Coyle told the Post: “We started the appeal in 2015 due to growing poverty levels. We identified that when families don’t have money for food, they certainly do not have money for Christmas.

“When the toybank started, we supported about 200 children and over the years it has just grown and grown.

“We provide a large gift bag to families with six to ten new toys in it.

“Last year we saw an increase in the number of people needing this support and this year, again, we expect to see the numbers increase.

“Furlough has now ended and we’re hearing of more people losing jobs, and also the cost of living has soared.

“We’re seeing a lot of families affected by fuel poverty and we’re expecting that number to increase too.”

Donations have already begun to come in to the charity, with Goldenhill Primary School in Hardgate and Carleith Primary in Duntocher among those to have donated so far.

In Clydebank, donations can be dropped off at Dalmuir Library, the Royal Bank of Scotland in the Clyde Shopping Centre, B-Able in Alexander Street and Clydebank High School.

For large collections, the foodshare can organise pick up by its charity van.

Uplifts of larger donations can be organised by calling the charity on 01389 764135.

The cut off date for donations is Friday, December 10.

Applications to the toybank appeal open this week, and anyone looking to apply should contact West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare by calling 01389 764135 or 0800 345 7050.