West Dunbartonshire Council is to increase patrols around Clydebank schools and early years centres following a spate of vandalism and anti-social behaviour in school grounds.

Officers from the council’s anti-social behaviour team will include educational premises while out on their community patrols and Police Scotland will also monitor sites to reduce mindless vandalism in school premises.

Just last week, Gavinburn Primary School and Early Learning and Childcare Centre (ELCC), had thousands of pounds in resources destroyed following a wilful fire at the school.

Valuable children’s resources including external play equipment and playsuits for outdoor play were also lost due to the fire and there was significant damage caused at the entrance to the ELCC, including to external lighting and the alarm system.

Our Lady of Loretto Primary School and ELCC has also been singled out for regular vandalism and the council have committed to ensuring all damaged facilities will be ready for children returning after the holidays.

Councillor Clare Steel, convener of educational services, said: “Our families have been very upset at the mindless anti-social behavior and vandalism within our school grounds.

"This is very distressing not only for our employees but for the children to see their beloved possessions deliberately damaged is hard for them to understand. Our employees, along with the support of families, work hard to create outdoor learning areas to teach our children and young people and to have them destroyed beyond repair is absolutely heartbreaking.”

Police Scotland crime prevention officers will work with the vouncil and Scottish Strathclyde Fire and Rescue to visit schools to raise awareness of the dangers of fire starting in fire safety awareness sessions to pupils.

Chief Inspector Coleen Wylie said: “We are aware of these recent issues involving antisocial behaviour incidents around schools and we are acutely aware of the disruptive effect this can have on the community.

“Local officers are working closely with partners, including West Dunbartonshire Council, to address these issues.

“Dedicated patrols are carried out in affected areas, with officers providing reassurance to the community as well as discouraging antisocial behaviour.

"We are committed to encouraging people away from this kind of behaviour but will take appropriate action where incidents are reported and offenders identified.

"Anyone who has concerns about anti-social behaviour in their area is encouraged to contact police by calling 101 as promptly as possible."