Construction of social rented homes on a former bowling green in Clydebank are nearing completion of the external works.

The new 18 flats, being built on John Knox Street for Clydebank Housing Assocation (CHA), are helping to secure the long-term future of Clydebank Bowling Club as well as providing a much-needed addition to the town's social housing stock.

Paisley-based The JR Group purchased the £3.2 million development on the former green, which includes £2.1m in funding from the Scottish Government. 

It will comprise a mix of one and two-bed flats, with two of the flats specifically adapted for wheelchair users.

Clydebank Post: NewsquestNewsquest (Image: Newsquest)

The project, which is being delivered on behalf of CHA, is expected to be completed towards the end of 2022 following the completion of the remaining internal works.

The JR Group says the timber kit frames for new homes have now been fully erected and the external brick work is due for completion within the next two weeks.

As part of the business's ongoing commitment to the local communities, a donation was made to Clydebank Bowling Club to help with the cost of their ann ual open fours tournament last month.

The event saw 20 teams from across the West Dunbartonshire and the west Glasgow areas compete at the club.

Andrew Dallas, project director for the JR Group, said “We are thrilled with the progress of the development in Clydebank. The imminent completion of the external works really shows the progress we are making at the development, which is our second collaboration with CHA.

“Along with our commitment to bring affordable housing to the area, we were also happy to continue to support the community at Clydebank Bowling Club, who have supported our project since its conception.

"The club continues to be a vibrant part of the community and it’s great to see so many fixtures return this year.”
Clydebank Post: NewsquestNewsquest (Image: Newsquest)

The JR Group also helped Clydebank Housing Association mark Scottish Housing Day on Wednesday, September 14 with a £300 donation, taking a particular focus on sustainable housing.

Alongside this issue, Clydebank HA is continuing to focus on the difficulties surrounding fuel poverty and used Scottish Housing Day to signpost tenants and residents to sources of advice, information and support.

Lynette Lees, CHA's chief executive, said: “We are delighted that the JR Group has donated to allow CHA to purchase a supply of blankets, air fryers and slow cookers to donate to some of our tenants.

"Both CHA and the JR Group are committed to delivering new homes in the area and providing continuous support to our local communities."