A DRUMCHAPEL mum admits she is ‘furious’ after a local bus company BANNED all schoolchildren from getting on one of their after-school services.

Donna McCauley received a text on Wednesday afternoon addressed to all parents of pupils at Knightswood Secondary informing them that First Bus wouldn’t pick up any pupils from the school with ‘immediate effect.’

The bus operator told the Post the decision to ban pupils for one day was due to "a significant number of anti-social behaviour incidents".

The message sent to parents from the school read: “Please be advised, we have received a call from First Bus to advise that, with immediate effect, they will no longer be picking up any Knightswood Secondary students on their number 6 or 6A buses.”

The west-bound buses ban meant parents of pupils based in Clydebank, Drumchapel or Yoker had just hours to find an alternative way to get their child home from school.

And, speaking to the Post, Ms McCauley confessed her rage at the text.

She said: “I am absolutely furious. They are just blanketing all children as if they all misbehave.

“It’s probably like anything else in society, it’s a small minority of children that are misbehaving."

Ms McCauley revealed her daughter was ‘panicked’ when she messaged her to tell her she wouldn’t be getting the bus home and pleaded with First Bus to reconsider.

She added: “I work till 5pm. There are lots of parents who work and can’t go and collect their children and some parents don’t drive and can’t go and get their children so what is the alternative for these kids to get home?

“There are so many cameras on buses now, why not be working with the school to pinpoint any unruly children to have them removed from the service instead of blanketing the whole school so no schoolchildren are allowed on the bus?”

A spokesperson for First Glasgow said: “Following a significant number of anti-social behaviour incidents since December, we can confirm we are not allowing pupils from Knightswood Secondary School onboard services 6 and 6A today (Wednesday 26th April).

“This is not a decision that has been taken lightly but is only in place for today.

"We have been liaising with the school in recent months and will continue those discussions alongside the campus police representative to try and reduce the chances of repeat incidents.

“If these incidents do continue, we will be left with no option other than to remove services for pupils from Knightswood Secondary School in future.”

A Council spokeswoman said: "It is unfortunate that the behaviour of a minority of young people has resulted in this action being taken by the bus company.

"Pupils have been reminded that they are ambassadors of their school in the local community and should respect others at all times.

"This is not acceptable behaviour, and we will be working with the bus company."