A MEMBER of a Scotstoun karate club is one step closer to achieving her world championship dream after a recent fundraiser.

Layla Monaghan, 15, is hoping to attend the competition in Tokyo on Tuesday, July 23 where she is set to represent Scotland.

The teenager competes regularly for Japan Karate Shotorenmei (JKS) Glasgow and last Saturday's event at Yarrow Recreation Club on Anniesland Road was to help cover some of the costs involved in travelling to Japan.

Clydebank Post: Over £1800 was raised on the night and Annmarie Egan, Layla's grandmother, opened up on the success of the event.

She said: "We still have donations in and people were so generous on the night.

"At the start of the night, we were hoping to raise £1000 so to get over target that was brilliant.

Clydebank Post: "Between 60 and 70 people turned up which, given the weather was nice and the Celtic vs Rangers match was on, was a great achievement.

"The hall was almost full and everyone really seemed to enjoy the night."

Layla's instructor is her dad, Seon Mclaren, and he was involved in the fundraiser.

Clydebank Post: READ MORE: Clydebank karate duo aiming to reach world championships in Venice

As well as the race night there was a raffle and bingo to help raise funds.

And Annmarie insists everyone was happy with the event.

"Ever since the fundraiser people have been messaging me to say how much they enjoyed the night," she continued.

Clydebank Post: "It was a fantastic evening. Layla’s mum and dad were delighted with the event and the money that was raised.

"Layla was also really happy as it takes her one step closer to going to Japan."

JKS is hoping to send four members to the competition this summer.

Clydebank Post: And while this individual fundraiser was to help cover costs for Layla's trip, there are more events planned to help the other members who have been selected to go.

These include a Fight Night and Fortnite gaming evening.

And Seon hopes everyone gets the opportunity to attend the competition.

Clydebank Post: "The event will help cover some of the travel costs," he added.

"Team Scotland will include 35 people. We are all chipping in to help as much as possible as it will not be cheap.

"Flights are around £1500 during the summer holidays so it will be an expensive trip.

Clydebank Post:

"I think between the race night and the other fundraisers we are doing, we will hopefully be able to generate enough money to cover the required costs."