The council has developed a new qualification for those aiming to work in adult learning.

West Dunbartonshire Council's Working4U Adult Learning and Literacies Team worked in partnership with Learning Link Scotland and West College Scotland to create the Professional Development Award 'Working in Adult Learning: an Introduction.'

Designed to fill an identified void in the qualifications available, it targets individuals wanting to work in adult learning, and people already working in the field but don’t have a qualification.

A successful business plan was submitted to the SQA who then offered support to write up the units for the award.

January saw the inauguration of a pilot course at the Clydebank Campus of West College Scotland with six students participating.

The resources for the qualifications are now accessible for any approved centre to implement.

Peter Barry, chief officer of Housing and Employability, said: "It is a fantastic achievement for our Working4U team to spot a gap in the qualifications available to people working within the adult learning sector and, through effective collaboration with our partners, develop this Professional Development Award.

“I look forward to hearing about how this can improve the experience for people working in the sector across the whole of Scotland as colleagues who attended the launch event were excited to hear about the award and are keen to deliver it in their own organisations.”

Adult learning practitioners from across Scotland recently came to the Clydebank Town Hall to learn about the newly introduced qualification.