A MAN who left abusive messages for his ex the day after they broke up has been ordered to do unpaid work in the community.

Gavin Watt, 29, and his partner of three and a half years had ended their relationship in November 2023.

On November 15, he started sending abusive messages and then voice notes, calling her "s**t" and was "passed around like a scud book".

His ex contacted police and he was arrested the next day.

When cautioned and charged, he replied: "No thanks."

Watt, previously of Halley Place, Clydebank, and now of Hawick Court, Glasgow, later pleaded guilty to sending a message that was grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character and did repeatedly utter abusive remarks.

The crime was aggravated by being against a partner or ex.

At Dumbarton Sheriff Court on May 14, Sheriff Lorna Anderson imposed a community payback order with 12 months of social work supervision.

He must also do 45 hours of unpaid work in the community within six months.

The court did not impose a non-harassment order.