A GLASGOW man who bombarded his ex with messages, calls and bank transfers has been warned his attitude must change.

John McColl previously admitted to a course of conduct in February this year that caused fear or alarm at her Clydebank home.

And then when the 57-year-old was told he was given bail from the court, he broke its order not to contact her again weeks later.

At Dumbarton Sheriff Court on May 28, McColl, of Eastburn Place, Glasgow, was said to be unsuitable for the Caledonian Men's Programme, a project to tackle abusive men.

Between February 1 and 16, the man repeatedly phoned and sent text messages despite being asked not to. He transferred unwanted money to his ex's bank accounts and sent unwanted flowers to her home. This was aggravated by being against a partner or ex.

And having been granted bail on February 27 and told not to contact the woman, he did so by text message between March 15 and 20.

Sheriff Maxwell Hendry said the main reason McColl wasn't suitable was a "high level of denial" about his behaviour, quoting from social workers. And it said he had a "lack of insight" as to the impact of his behaviour, which he didn't consider abusive.

The man's defence solicitor claimed his client could make himself available for unpaid work, but not the men's programme, which runs Monday to Friday.

"He fundamentally thinks he is entitled to behave the way he behaves," said the sheriff.

The lawyer replied: "He accepts his behaviour was wrong. He accepts that by pleading guilty. He knows he needs to be punished."

Sheriff Hendry said McColl's crimes had nothing to do with anything the ex did or said. "He ignored a court order - he is basically stating he is entitled to do that," he added.

When the case recalled, the lawyer said his client would agree to undertake the Caledonian Men's Programme.

Instead, the sheriff ordered a six-month structured deferred sentence with social workers supervising him.

He said: "I'm prepared to try a structured deferred sentence and see if we see a change in attitude.

"This cannot continue, this attitude you have. You need to recognise you need to make changes.

"I think your attitudes are pretty well ingrained. If they don't change, you are going to find yourself in a Groundhog Dag scenario."