Two youth work initiatives in West Dunbartonshire have been put forward for the esteemed National Youth Work Awards 2024.

Routes by Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs, and the Working4U Thrive Team are described as exemplary models of local commitment to youth development.

Routes has been praised and nominated for the Skills and Achievement Award, supported by Skills Development Scotland. This service is crucial for young people aged 12 to 26 from East and West Dunbartonshire. It assists those dealing with problems caused by drug misuse in their homes.

The programme serves as a safety net and catalyst for change, supporting education, job preparedness, and personal growth.

The Thrive Team, a product of Working4U, West Dunbartonshire Council, is nominated for Team of the Year, backed by the CLD Standards Council.

Clydebank Post: Thrive's scheme is a personal development programme meticulously tailored for individuals aged 16 to 24 who face major obstacles towards education, employment, or training.

The awards night, due to take place on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, in Glasgow, will see well-known Celebrity Big Brother Winner, Mr John Loughton, take up the role of the host.

The event promises to shed light on the noteworthy work done by these local projects that continue to transform the lives of young people in West Dunbartonshire.

Tim Frew, chief executive of YouthLink Scotland, said: "With the cost of living crisis intensifying and more young people encountering obstacles in education and employment, youth workers stand out as the true changemakers. Their invaluable contributions to the lives of countless young people deserve recognition, as they are the unsung heroes strengthening our communities."

Dave McCallum, Skills Development Scotland’s head of careers information advice and guidance operations, added: "Skills Development Scotland is delighted to be supporting the National Youth Work Awards, recognising the critical role of youth work organisations in helping young people to gain a range of skills that will help them to achieve and reach their full potential."