A Drumchapel woman drove a quad bike into oncoming traffic before losing control and crashing into a parked car.

Lindsay McDonald had been travelling on a small red quad bike heading north on Blairdardie Road at around 5.15pm on October 26, 2022.

As the quad bike turned right onto Drumchapel Road it entered the opposing carriageway and drove into the face of oncoming traffic.

McDonald lost control of the vehicle and collided with a parked car causing damage to its bumper.

The 41-year-old was then thrown from the quad bike onto the pavement.

Two colleagues came out of their workplace nearby after hearing the collision and inspected the damage, along with the car owner.

They asked McDonald for insurance details but she did not provide them.

At this time, McDonald’s son Dylan McDonald appeared.

A woman then began to film Dylan attempting to remove the quad bike.

Whilst she was filming, the 21-year-old kicked her on the right leg and her feet causing her to fall to the ground.

The woman suffered a minor graze to her right hand and a rip to her jacket which cost £100.

Both Lindsay and Dylan then pushed the quad bike away and out of sight.

Police were later contacted.

On November 17, 2022, two officers went to Lindsay's home and saw a red quad bike at the address.

She was cautioned and charged with driving offences to which she replied “I’m too old for this nonsense.

“The quad bike was a gift for my daughter and I rode it and crashed into a car.”

Dylan could not be traced at the time.

The pair, both of Drumchapel, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing on June 5.

Lindsay pleaded guilty to three road traffic charges and Dylan pleaded guilty to assaulting a woman by kicking her on the legs and causing her to fall on the ground to her injury.

Each of the offences were committed whilst she was on bail.

Lindsay's lawyer told the court that his client is currently on a community payback order (CPO).

The defence solicitor said: “There aren’t any issues with the narrative. She’s on a CPO from Dumbarton Sheriff Court and is doing very well.

“At a recent review, the sheriff commended her and she seems to be very stable at the moment.

"There is nothing else outstanding. This is her first brush with the road traffic act.”

Dylan's lawyer told the court that his client regretted his conduct.

The defence solicitor said: “There was a conflict with the owner of the vehicle as she began to film his mother.

“He then kicked the woman’s legs away hoping she’d stop filming. He regrets his conduct.

"The offence is 19 months old and he has no matters outstanding. He would benefit from supervision.”

Sheriff Neil McKinnon fined Lindsay a total of £360. She was also disqualified from holding a licence for 12 months.

Sheriff McKinnon imposed a community payback order for Dylan with 12 months of social work supervision and 90 hours of unpaid work.

He was also fined £160.