A Linnvale mum says she is ‘absolutely terrified’ that her daughter will have to go to a mainstream school if she cannot get a place at a local additional support needs (ASN) school.

Jade O’Brien’s five-year-old daughter Aurora is due to start primary school in August after spending an additional year at nursery.

(Image: Colin Mearns) The concerned mum-of-three told the Post that the extra year wasn’t only to support Aurora’s needs but was because there were reportedly no places available at local ASN schools last year.

Jade now fears that there may not be any places available this year either and that Aurora – who is currently being assessed for Autism and ADHD – could be sent to a mainstream school.

She said: “Aurora had an extra year at nursery and the thought behind that was so that she would be able to be found a placement.

“What is being said is that there is a rising number of children with specialist needs in this area and they don’t have a place for Aurora.

“At the time her educational psychologist told me there weren’t any places in West Dunbartonshire, they were all full.

“There’s a few other local families that I’ve spoken to that are going through the same thing.

"Aurora still needs personal care and she has very limited language. She’s being assessed for Autism and ADHD.

"She has no real sense of danger or anything like that so it’s quite a big concern for us.

“I did submit a placement request a while ago for a particular ASN school but I wouldn’t say no to any other ones.

“As long as she’s getting the support that she needs I would be happy with that.”

(Image: Colin Mearns) Jade explained that she and Aurora’s dad James Robertson have attended meetings at the mainstream school their daughter could be attending to discuss the support available to her.

She claims she was told there would be an additional teacher in place and that the school would receive extra funding.

However, Jade said she feels the support plan was “very vague” and she has been in tears at the thought of it.

She added: “Aurora needs specialist care that I don’t think she’ll get in a mainstream school.

"I’ve been in the [mainstream] school crying and everything. It’s really, really scary.

"They said they’d be putting extra support in place but they’ve been very vague about it.

“I think there will be an additional teacher and they’re getting extra funding. I appreciate what they’re trying to put in place but Aurora won’t cope in a mainstream school.

“It’s things like the number of children at the school, the loud noises, and she’s got no sense of danger it just makes me so uncomfortable.

“She would get the support that she needs at an ASN school and she wouldn’t feel out of place.

"The teachers are also trained to help her.”

Jade is currently waiting to receive a letter from the principal educational psychologist at West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC) confirming whether Aurora has or has not been placed at an ASN school.

A WDC spokesperson said: “The council is committed to providing high-quality learning and support across all our schools and works proactively with families to ensure pupils with additional support needs are supported to reach their potential. 

“Regular school reviews are held to monitor progress and consider whether any changes to the available support may be required.”