A MAN who broke court orders in place to protect his ex has been put under a curfew for the next six months.

Brian Andrew, of Kingfauns Drive, Drumchapel, appeared from custody in Dumbarton Sheriff Court last week after a previous failure to punish him in the community.

The 43-year-old previously admitted to breaking a non-harassment order to protect his ex and banning him from entering Milngavie. He did so between April 30 and August 4, 2021.

He also failed to turn up for a court hearing on January 23, 2023, then was found in Milngavie on February 9 in breach of two court orders.

A restructured deferred sentence was imposed in April but he failed to engage with social workers at all. And he was locked up on May 13 for that failure.

Sheriff Maxwell Hendry said: "The custody threshold is passed. He does himself no favours by not complying with anything in the community."

Andrew's defence solicitor stated his client would welcome a community-based disposal and the sheriff interrupted with, "Of course he does".

The lawyer insisted his client was suitable for social work supervision, something which he failed to turn up for under the structured deferred sentence.

Sheriff Hendry said he would reluctantly give a "last opportunity".

He said: "As far as I'm concerned, if you don't take the opportunity I'm going to give you, then I think it will be very easy for me or any judge to deal with you and send you to prison."

He imposed a community payback order with 18 months of social work supervision and a requirement to engage with any addiction or mental health counselling or treatment they direct.

He will also be under an electronically monitored curfew from 7pm to 7am daily for six months.