AHEAD of the General Election on Thursday, July 4, the Clydebank Post spoke to constituents in West Dunbartonshire to find out what issues matter most in the area.

The election is likely to be a straight contest between the SNP and Labour candidates.

(Image: Election Calculus) Martin Docherty-Hughes was the MP for West Dunbartonshire, having won the seat from Labour in 2015 and retaining it in the 2017 and 2019 elections.

He is standing again this time around and will be challenged by Paula Baker [Scottish Greens], Maurice Corry of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Paul Kennedy [Scottish Liberal Democrats], Douglas McAllister of the Scottish Labour Party, Andrew Muir [Scottish Family Party], David Smith of Reform UK and Kelly Wilson [Sovereignty].

The Post spoke to residents in the Clydebank area to find out the key issues that are playing a factor in people's voting intentions.

The cost of living crisis, lack of facilities for young people and transport links were topics that regularly came up.

(Image: Newsquest staff) Iain Luke, 59, who is both a father and grandfather, feels there are plenty of things that can be improved.

He said: "We have a lot of empty and abandoned areas that could be turned into housing as that is something in short supply.

"We have more than enough space to build houses and stop people being homeless.

"Clyde Shopping Centre is also something that could be improved. There are far too many empty units and it means people are going further out to shop.

"It has been this way for years and years. They need to pull in more businesses.

"The roads are also a mess and the potholes are really bad. That is something else that has been a problem for years."

(Image: Newsquest staff)

READ MORE: Meet your General Election candidates for West Dunbartonshire

Jacquie Smith is a carer and says she is unsure of who to vote for in the upcoming election.

The 58-year-old insists more has to be done for young people in the area.

"I have always voted in the past and this is the first time I have been on the fence," she said.

"I think more stuff is needed for young people in terms of services and it would be great to have another shopping centre.

"I think the bus service could also be improved a lot as it is very inconsistent."

(Image: Newsquest staff) Brendan Cascy, 37, has never voted as he feels all political parties are in it for themselves.

However, as a foster carer, he would like to see more facilities available for young people.

"I would like to see a lot more leisure services for young people as well as safe spaces for them to play," he said.

"The Scottish and UK governments both need to do a lot more for young people.

"Significant funding is needed."

(Image: Newsquest staff) Ronald Greene, who is retired, says poverty is a real problem in the area.

The 75-year-old insists the topic will be what drives his vote on July 4.

"More has to be done to help people who are poor and also to tidy up the area," he said. 

"Economic investment is sorely needed in terms of public services.

"A lot of people are struggling, particularly working families, and that is something that needs to be resolved. "

(Image: Newsquest staff) Elizabeth Clements, 61, has voted all her life and feels more support should be made available for working families.

She is also unhappy with the current state of Clydebank's roads.

"Potholes are a particular problem on the road and they seem to be getting worse.

"Instead of digging up the roads, they should actually be fixed rather than just doing half the job.

"Rats are another issue across the area with the rubbish not always being collected.

"I think it is also important to make sure working people are properly supported as the cost of living is horrendous."

(Image: Newsquest staff) Ross Loughran insists more has to be done to support those with mobility issues.

"I have always voted and it is our democratic right," he said.

"I think we need more services to help people get out of the house.

"The cost of living crisis has been a nightmare. Whoever wins in this constituency has to listen to the people here and address their concerns.

"Things could be a lot better for everyone."

There are eight candidates registered to stand in West Dunbartonshire.

BAKER PAULA - Scottish Greens

CORRY MAURICE - Scottish Conservative and Unionist

DOCHERTY-HUGHES MARTIN - Scottish National Party (SNP)

KENNEDY PAUL - Scottish Liberal Democrats

MCALLISTER DOUGLAS - Scottish Labour Party

MUIR ANDREW - Scottish Family Party


WILSON KELLY - Sovereignty 

West Dunbartonshire result in 2019

Martin Docherty-Hughes SNP - 22,396 (49.6%)

Jean Anne Mitchell Lab - 12,843 (28.5%)

Alix Mathieson Con - 6,436 (14.3%)

Jennifer Lang LibDem - 1,890 (4.2%)

Peter Connolly Green - 867 (1.9%)

Andrew Muir IND - 708 (1.6%)