A CLYDEBANK man who chewed off the ear of an amateur boxer in a brawl outside a nightclub was ordered to do unpaid work.

Martin Hendrie, 45, pounced on Michael McCrone in Glasgow city centre on July 9, 2022.

Undefeated fighter McCrone had earlier pushed Hendrie and assaulted his partner Anne-Marie Rogan.

Super flyweight McCrone then went on to put a thumb into Hendrie's eye.

HGV driver Hendrie then went on to bite the top of McCrone's ear which has never been re-attached.

Hendrie pleaded guilty under provocation at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting McCrone to his severe injury and permanent disfigurement.

Sheriff Brian Cameron imposed 180 hours of unpaid work upon dad-of-four Hendrie.

The sheriff said: "You pleaded guilty to very serious offences.

"I take on board that there was a degree of provocation and my sentence will reflect that.

"You are a first offender and have never served a prison sentence.

"Taking everything into account I am satisfied I can impose an alternative to custody."

The court heard Hendrie and Rogan, 42, of Clydebank, were out with friend, nurse Laura Jane Gilbert, 31, who had visited from Inverness.

McCrone was thrown out The Savoy nightclub due to "inappropriate comments" made to the women.

A short time later, Hendrie and the women went outside while McCrone and his brother were in the vicinity.

McCrone's brother bumped into Hendrie's friend Miss Gilbert and shouted abuse towards the women.

Hendrie then intervened before the brothers turned their attention towards him.

Prosecutor Emma Baker said: "McCrone pushed Hendrie to the chest and his partner Miss Rogan had to get in the middle of them.

"At this point, she herself was assaulted by McCrone and his brother.

"They also went on to assault them by punching Hendrie and his partner."

Hendrie and McCrone then ended up grappling with each other.

Miss Baker added: "McCrone tried to pull Hendrie's head down and he then put his thumb into his eye.

"Hendrie reacted by biting the left ear of McCrone, ultimately removing the top of it."

Police attended and Hendrie was arrested while McCrone was taken to hospital for treatment.

Miss Baker said: "The top of his ear could not be re-attached."

It was revealed that McCrone had also been prosecuted for this incident and received 180 hours of unpaid work.

McCrone was also tagged for five months keeping him indoors between 8pm and 6am as well as put under supervision for two years.

Eddie Robertson, defending Hendrie, told the sentencing that his client accepts responsibility for the offence.

The lawyer added: "He is unlikely to commit anything of a serious nature again."