CLYDEBANK schoolchildren were among those successful in a recent art competition.

Pupils in primary four and five from Edinbarnet and St Joseph's, along with five other schools, currently have their winning entries on display at Napier Hall in Old Kilpatrick after receiving prizes for their efforts. 

The annual competition, which this year included 316 entries, has been running since 2007 and is organised by the Faifley Art Group. 

And Christine Smith, president of the organisation, explained how much they enjoy holding the competition.

(Image: Faifley Art Group) "We give the children a couple of weeks to work on the projects before we collect them and the art group members decide the winners, along with any of our sponsors who want to take a look," she said.

"We really enjoy putting this event on as it is a good way to open up art to children and encourage them to enjoy it as a hobby.

"The feedback is always really positive from the kids and they seem to take a keen interest when working on a project like this.

(Image: Faifley Art Group) "The teachers have always been very receptive over the years and that has made the process great for everyone.

"Josephine Torrance, a member of the group, goes round the schools and speaks to the teachers, hands out materials and plays an important role in helping the competition go ahead."

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Christine also opened up about how important the Faifley Art Group is to her.

"Art has always been a hobby for me and like a lot of other members, I did art at school and really enjoyed it and then it was something I fell away from through working and having a family," she continued.

(Image: Faifley Art Group) "However, since retiring it has been something I have been involved with.

"When I finished work it was something I picked up on and wanted to do.

"We are a sociable bunch and it is not just about art as I have made great friends through my time at the group.

"We all support each other."