Tots at a nursery in Clydebank celebrated in style with a graduation ceremony that had parents and staff "in tears".

Staff at Sunflower Nursery have described the day as "emotional" as some kids have been with them since they were six weeks old.

A total of 32 children have been pictured at the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel on June 15 with their gowns and hats as they prepare to move on to primary school.

Susannah Turbull, nursery manager, said: "It's been very emotional. Lots of the kids have been with us since they were small babies which has been about four and a half to five years so it's been a long time.

"They all had a great time and were very proud of themselves – and we are really proud of them."

32 children graduated from the nursery32 children graduated from the nursery (Image: Supplied) Children at the Golden Jubilee HotelChildren at the Golden Jubilee Hotel (Image: Supplied)

The children performed songs and rhymes before they were given certificates and allowed to throw their hats into the air like a traditional ceremony.

They were then gifted a collection of photos from when they started until their graduation - some of which were pictures of them as babies.

Susannah added: "We had a ceremony where they all received certificates and at the end, they threw their hats in the air to symbolise that they had graduated. They all wore cloaks and hats and party outfits.

"Their songs reflected all the learning they had been doing and they got wee gift packs of photographs of them right through from when they were babies till now when they are graduating, it was a celebration of their journey.

"All of our staff did an amazing job putting together the ceremony. They were in tears and the parents were in tears but they were all happy tears."

The kids will now go to various primary schools after the summer holidays.