Clydebank residents are being asked for their feedback on a new long-term plan for the town.

It was announced last year that the town will secure £20 million in funding which is expected to come to roughly £2 million annually for the next decade, from the UK Government’s Long Term Plan for Towns initiative.

West Dunbartonshire Council will work with the Town Board to develop plans for the use of the funding to adopt a place-centred approach to enhance the town.

The spending plan will be guided by a Long Term Plan, pending approval from the UK Government.

The project will expand upon the Clydebank Town Centre Development Framework, approved in 2021, which envisions a vibrant and attractive town centre over the next 15 years.

The West Dunbartonshire CVS sought input from community organisations for their views.

Now, residents too can contribute their ideas to shape the projects which will form part of the plan.

Two drop-in events will be held on July 25 and 26 from 11am to 2pm at Clyde Shopping Centre.

Councillor David McBride, convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, said: "This is an important step in this 10-year project which is set to breathe new life into Clydebank.

"It is vital that people who stay, work and visit the town get the chance to have their say."

Councillor Lawrence O’Neill, vice convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, said: “I would encourage anyone with an interest in Clydebank to go along to the drop-in events and help shape the future of the town for the better.”