A BESPOKE bench has been installed in Dalmuir in memory of a local teenager.

David Alexander sadly passed away aged 18 in October 2023.

He was an active member of Golden Friendships from November 2022, attending the organisation's Fun Club every Wednesday.

The charity has unveiled a bench in tribute to the teenager, which was installed in the organisation's plot at the Dalmuir allotments over the weekend.

The teenager's family, as well as over 60 other attendees, were present for the bench being installed.

Lorraine Alexander, David's mum, told the Post, that he will be "looking down in amazement".

She said: "Myself and David’s dad Rab are really chuffed to bits with the bench.

"My main purpose now is keeping David’s memory alive.

“The people at GF are so loving and even now they’ll message to ask how we’re doing and to tell us how much they miss David.

"Golden Friendships was so important to him and it is a fitting tribute that he is being honoured with the bench."

We previously reported that the handmade bench arrived last month after being crafted by the company Chainsaw Creations in Inverness.

It has been designed around the popular arcade game Space Invaders, something David really enjoyed.

(Image: Lorraine Trainer Alexander) The memorial also includes a QR code which people can scan to read the Forever Story.

It contains a biography of David's life and people can put pictures and videos on it.

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"The bench is amazing," Lorraine continued.

"It’s the style that David would have loved, he was a big fan of Space Invaders.

"He struggled a lot with his social skills and he had gone to various clubs. 

"In November 2022 we got in touch with Golden Friendships and they said ‘Yeah bring him along and you can stay in the background’ so I did and he just immediately gelled with the club.

(Image: Golden Friendships) “Everybody was so welcoming and inviting, chatting away to him and giving him hugs.

"David had autism, Tourette's, and ADHD so it was a bit of a struggle but he did so well."

Jim McLaren, founder of Golden Friendships, opened up on his memories of David.

"He was such a lovely kid," the 61-year-old said.

"David was so popular with everyone within the group and was right at the heart of our Wednesday night session.

"He was very kind and seemed to flourish when spending time at Golden Friendships.

"His family remained close with the charity since his passing and we have tried to support them as much as possible during such a difficult time for them."

The allotment was maintained and presented by volunteers Michelle Tait, Paul Neeson and their team.

Jim feels the memory bench is the perfect tribute to the teenager.

"This is the first time we have been involved in a memorial such as this, so we wanted to do it properly.

"People can come here for a quiet moment and to share memories of David.

"It feels like a fitting tribute to him."