PROPOSALS for a new activity centre in Clydebank offering a range of recreation and educational activities will be brought before the council’s planning committee this week.

The plans were to be discussed in June but had to be continued because the relevant planning officer wasn’t available. They will now be presented before West Dunbartonshire councillors this Wednesday.

The activity centre, which will be developed on the south bank of the Forth and Clyde Canal and the NCR 7 cycle route, will also offer a community hub, a bicycle workshop, yoga and cooking classes.

The site, situated within Clydebank town centre, is currently used as open space and is part of the wider area that forms the southern canal bank.

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It is near the Clydebank Bandstand and South Sylvania Way as well as the site of the former Playdrome Leisure Centre for which planning permission for a new residential development has already been granted. 

A report which will be presented to members of the planning committee by James McColl, Development Management Team Leader and Alan Douglas, Chief Officer of regeneration, states: “Planning permission is sought for the development of an activity centre which includes a community hub and associated kitchen, launderette, coffee hatch, bicycle store, workshop and landscaping. 

“It is indicated that the Community Hub will host a range of recreational and educational activities, such as yoga and cooking classes. 

“The proposal is welcomed and would provide a high quality, community focused activity centre that would contribute to the mix of uses and vitality of the town centre and help connect people with the canal, without any detrimental effects on local amenity.”