A Knightswood mum wants faster action on the refurbishment of a nearby 'awful' play park - with her petition gaining hundreds of signatures.

Emma Lee, 41, says she is fed up with the state of Temple Park on Fulton Street after allocated funding for the play area is yet to be used.

The swing set, trampoline, and climbing frame are a hive of activity after school as it sits behind Knightswood Primary.

The park has been given £50,000 of Scottish Government funding. 

However, Emma says her kids could be 'finished school' by the time it gets transformed as Glasgow City Council, in charge of implementing the money, has given the project of refurbishing 133 parks across the city a five-year timeline, targeting the most deprived areas first.

Emma at Temple Park which she describes as 'awful'Emma at Temple Park which she describes as 'awful' (Image: Gordon Terris) She said: "That park is awful. I’ve been speaking to other parents and everybody goes ‘Do we need to go there’ because there's nothing for them to do.

"The equipment is well past its best and it’s a popular park, there are a lot of kids in the area. I just got fed up, why can't we get it to its full potential when funding is there for it."

Annoyed and frustrated Emma started a petition online to try and provoke change which has now received over 200 signatures.

Concerns raised within the petition include broken equipment, graffiti and the play area being 'old fashioned'.

Equipment is described as broken and needing modernisedEquipment is described as broken and needing modernised (Image: Gordon Terris) A bench looking faded and rusty A bench looks faded and rusty (Image: Gordon Terris) She added: "There are that many signatures, it just shows that a lot of people are passionate about this. I was quite surprised that it even got over 100, to be honest.

"I think the park could do with some new equipment, including a new climbing frame and slides and for the broken bits to be taken away. It could be upgraded and modernised.

"My son calls it the baby park because the equipment is so small and young.

"This is not exactly an up-and-coming area. I know there is money available but over a five-year period is not good enough. My kids could be finished school by then.

"I'm not asking to do it next week but a better timeline would be good."

A Glasgow City Council spokeswoman said: “A total of 133 Glasgow play parks are being refurbished by the council over the next five years. The work is being prioritised according to child poverty levels in each area.

“Temple Park play area (Fulton Street) has been allocated £50,000 in funding to improve the facilities from the Play Renewal programme, funded by the Scottish Government, and we will engage with the local community when the work is scheduled.

“Currently, the play area is inspected on a regular basis and any repairs are scheduled as required.”