A teenager who broke his court-imposed curfew has been ordered to do unpaid work in the community.

Sean Hughes, of Corsock Street, Glasgow, previously admitted being found at a property in Longden Street, Clydebank, when he was to stay at home.

He had a bail requirement to stay in between 7pm and 7am every day imposed in July 2022 and broke it on September 23, 2022, when he was still only 16.

Now aged 18, he appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court on August 20 having been under a period of structured deferred sentencing, with social workers monitoring him.

Sheriff Maxwell Hendry said: "The court has been monitoring you for a number of months and on the whole there's progress.

"It appears you're heading in the right direction."

He imposed a community payback order with 18 months social work supervision and a requirement to take any alcohol counselling or treatment as directed.

He must also do 120 hours of unpaid work in the community within a year.