A man burned down his neighbours' burger van causing £25,000 worth of damage.

Robert and Ashley MacMillan were at their Drumchapel home at 2am on May 30, 2021, when they heard shouting from outside.

Raymond Shearer, who lived below them, was out on his balcony, screaming: "F**k the MacMillans, I will blow up the burger van".

This referred to a vehicle owned by the couple out of which they sold food. This was parked outside their building.

Shearer continued: "I will do him in and break his legs.”

The procurator fiscal depute said Mr and Mrs MacMillan looked out their window a while later and saw the 37-year-old with a metal pole.

The windows of their van and another car nearby were shattered.

Then, at 7.45am, Ashley MacMillan was in bed, when she heard Shearer shouting and banging the door. 

She noticed smoke coming from the car park and realised their van was alight.

The court heard that firefighters and police and fire crews believed Shearer had burned down the van deliberately.

He caused £1,000 of damage to both vehicles by shattering the windows and the fire resulted in £25,000 of carnage.

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Shearer, now of Clydebank, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Monday after he pleaded guilty to destroying property by breaking windows and wilful fire-raising.

He also admitted to two charges of dangerous driving at excessive speed. Once on May 7, 2021, in Drumchapel and again on January 24, 2023, on Stobcross Street, Anderston.

Sheriff Vincent Lunny said: "Setting fire to a car has got to be a starting point for jail."

Shearer's solicitor replied: "That is certainly the most serious offence.

"What caused that is the keeper of the vehicle punished the accused in the presence of his children.

"He has nothing else outstanding. He is not subject to any current orders.

"He is 37 years old. He lives with his partner and their two children. The rest of the time he spends with his mother.

"He is assessed as medium level of risk of reoffending. That is accurate as he managed to stay out of trouble."

Sheriff Lunny told Shearer this is "an extremely serious matter".

For the driving offences, he was disqualified from driving for two years and jailed for four months.

For setting the fire, he was sent to prison for a further eight months.