Housing association Loretto have spent £2800 upgrading a communal garden for residents of Beardmore Street in Dalmuir. 

New seating, planters, and whirly gigs were installed after Loretto conducted a survey asking tenants what they wanted to see improved.

Resident Isabella Nutley, 66, said: “The communal garden is really nice to look at. It's been a great idea. 

“The new seats, plants and whirly gigs have really made a big difference. It’s a great place to hold gatherings or meet-ups of the residents.” 

Laura Henderson, Managing Director of the Housing Association, said: “We were delighted to be able to support tenants in Beardmore Street. 

“Tenants will be able to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air and socialise with each other.” 

The block of flats opened in 2019 and was designed to help tenants older than 55 live independently in their own homes for as long as they can. 

Improvements to the gardens come after Loretto invested £700,000 in improving homes and the environment across Scotland last year. 

This included spending £190,000 on new heating systems, £155,000 on new kitchens, £90,000 on common area improvements and £80,000 on new windows.  

The association also built 24 new homes for social rent in Falkirk work is now underway on 48 new homes in Paisley and 44 new homes in Bishopbriggs.