Children’s Hearings System is looking for new volunteer panel members to make decisions for infants, children, and young people in West Dunbartonshire.

Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS), responsible for recruiting, training, and supporting the panel members, has launched the annual recruitment campaign for volunteers.

At each hearing, three panel members make legal decisions with and for the infant, child, or young person. 

All volunteers will receive comprehensive training before sitting on their first panel and are supported by CHS experts.

Natalie Don-Innes MSP, Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise, said: “Panel Members make important decisions that change young people’s lives for the better, which means this is an extremely rewarding role.

“I hope people from all walks of life will think about joining Scotland’s unique hearings system, helping Scotland to keep the Promise that our country will be the best place to grow up.”

Those interested can apply at

The campaign runs until noon on September 30.

All appointed panel members commit to a three-year term initially.

David Hughes, a serving panel member in West Dunbartonshire, said: “Being a Panel Member is challenging but it is also satisfying and rewarding. 

“Once you have completed a comprehensive and beneficial training programme, along with your knowledge and life skills, you will be able to make decisions that will benefit children and their families for many years to come.”

Elliot Jackson, national convener of Children’s Hearings Scotland, said: “No matter where you are in Scotland, and whatever your background, if you are compassionate, empathetic, a good listener and can build trust then I encourage you to apply to join our wonderful Panel community.

“Scotland’s children, young people and their families who need our protection most, need you.”