West Dunbartonshire Council's Working4U Money team has assisted nearly 4,000 locals reclaim £8.2million through benefit claims and debt write-offs.

The free service navigates residents through benefit assessments, appeals decisions, and managing debts.

It also provides advice to 253 residents on debt issues.

The support team collaborates with other services to ensure that those with specific needs, such as long-term health conditions, older people, families with children, job seekers, and carers, get their required help.

The service has been highly commended by users.

One customer said: "The service was excellent and the staff member was extremely knowledgeable, caring and helpful. I would highly recommend the service."

Another added: "The Welfare Rights Officer could not have been more helpful.

"She made an extremely stressful situation smooth and easy. My partner has Alzheimer’s and the officer helped complete a form for attendance allowance which we received.

"We could not be more grateful."

Another said: "As someone who had to retire due to cancer, and someone who has never been part of the welfare system, this service was invaluable to myself as it must be to people in a similar situation and lots of others from all walks of life who find themselves suffering illness."

Peter Barry, chief officer of housing and employability, said: "We know how big an impact the cost of living crisis has had on our residents and we are really keen to ensure that help is available where possible.

"With Working4U Money having a success rate of 88 per cent for benefit claims submitted this shows how worthwhile this service is.

"Advisors work hard to ensure that people get the financial assistance which they are quite rightly entitled to and these examples show that this often comes at a time when people are already under pressure due to the likes of ill health.

"Taking this stress away from them is a huge relief.

"I would urge anyone who thinks that they might be missing out on benefits or who are struggling to manage debt to get in touch with the team as the support could be invaluable."