A creep has been put on the sex offenders register for touching two women claiming there were spiders on them.

Kevin Uwaifo, of Hood Street, Clydebank, used the ploy twice in broad daylight within minutes, upsetting the women first with the claim of a spider and again by putting a hand on their bums.

The case emerged only days after he pleaded guilty to doing the same to a 15-year-old girl and a gran.

Uwaifo pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court on September 6 to two counts of sexual assault.

READ MORE: Man followed 15-year-old girl after school and carried out sex attack

We previously reported that the first was against a 53-year-old woman who was with her grandchildren at a supermarket on May 28 when he said there was a spider on her.

He approached her again shortly after and was later arrested. Police released him on an undertaking to appear in court.

But two days later he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old schoolgirl as she was walking home in Glasgow's Southside.

He claimed there was a spider, ran his hand down her back and "grabbed her on the bottom" on May 30.

The victim was so upset she cried. The girl's 12-year-old sister identified him later.

He was later arrested for that and released on bail at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

And it was while on that order, that he attacked twice more in Clydebank.

Days after turning 20, around 11.45am on August 8, a woman was at Singer Station and sitting on platform 2 when she became aware of the man.

He motioned for her attention and she removed her headphones.

He said there was a spider on her back, causing the woman to panic and remove her bag and brushing clothing.

"It's a green spider and it's on your butt" he said. "Do you want me to get it?"

He then held out his open hand and touched her on her buttocks, then left and walked away, heard Dumbarton Sheriff Court on September 10.

About five minutes later on a footpath to Clydebank Business Park, a woman became aware of a man behind her.

He again stated, "You have a spide on your back", which panicked her and she was pulling at her top to shake it off.

Uwaifo moves his hand down her back.

The woman told him he didn't need to touch her.

He replied: "Sorry, that's just where it went. It was one of the red ones."

Both women reported the incidents to the police. Intelligence later led to him being identified. He made no reply to caution or charge.

He pleaded guilty from custody to two charges of sexually assaulting the women by touching their buttocks.

Sheriff Lorna Anderson said she had 'some concerns".

Uwaifo's defence solicitor said his client was not in favour of a curfew as it would mean he would be stuck in his room, based on his accommodation.

"He accepts there has to be a punishment element."

The sheriff said: "There are some concerning aspects of that [social work] report and a very clear focus for supervision."

She told him he would be on a community payback order with supervision for two years, to which Uwaifo replied: "Is there another option?"

"Go to jail," the sheriff said.

She imposed 100 hours of unpaid work in the community within 12 months.

He was put on the sex offenders register for two years.

There was no mention in Dumbarton of the May crimes in Glasgow.

Sentence had been deferred at Glasgow Sheriff Court for the Dumbarton case, and he will return next month to be dealt with again.