Members of the Clydebank Trade Union Congress (TUC) have been campaigning against the UK Government's recent decision to cut the Winter Fuel Payment.

The organisation protested outside Clydebank Shopping Centre, handing out leaflets on the issue.

Millions of pensioners across Britain are set to lose their allowance after an attempt to block the cuts failed in parliament last week.

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The Scottish Government also announced last month that it too would move to means-testing the benefit as it confirmed it would be unable to fund the universal payment.

Thomas Morrison, Clydebank secretary of the TUC, says people are unhappy locally with the decision.

He said: "People voted for change, not for this. After 14 years of Tory cuts Labour could have chosen to tax the rich, instead they have chosen more cuts.

(Image: Clydebank TUC) "Talking to people in Clydebank it is clear Starmer has blundered. "