The primary one enrolment date for pupils across West Dunbartonshire is set to be brought forward for the start of the 2025 school year.

Councillors on the education committee have agreed that the date should move from the second week in January to the second week in the preceding November after a public consultation was carried out.

An online survey was available during the consultation period with 31 respondents, 93.5% of which agreed to the proposals. A meeting was held earlier in the year at Dumbarton Academy but no attendees made an appearance either in person or online.

The issue was discussed at this morning’s education committee meeting. Councillor Martin Rooney said: “When the consultation took place it sounded like there was no one in attendance and everything was online – is that correct?

“It says 93.5% supported the change but it is only a small number that responded – is that an unusually small number.”

A council officer confirmed that it was a publicised public meeting and that on the night in question, plenty of people were coming in and out of Dumbarton Academy for football but none attended the consultation.

Andrew Brown, senior education officer said: “This was not an unusually small number and is not controversial as it will give parents longer to prepare for their child going to school.”

A further request for a statutory consultation to consult on future changes will be brought to the December Education Committee.