A community event has brought together nearly 700 locals for an autumn celebration.

Kingsway Community Connections held its harvest festival on Sunday, September 22.

Funded by the Lottery Awards for All, the free event had an 'inflatable city' with a 60ft inflatable obstacle course, a live DJ, a BBQ with traditional foods from around the world and dance performances.

The community group says roughly 700 members of the public attended throughout the day.

Kingsway Community Connections put on the free eventKingsway Community Connections put on the free event (Image: OSAMA_YASIR) (Image: OSAMA_YASIR)Lainy Bedingfield, managing director said; "The Harvest Festival celebrates the hard work that our residents and volunteers have put into our community garden and brings out the best of our community.

"People sharing traditional food from around the world, sweets, soups, music and dance, along with a whole range of community and fun activities for families to take part in, makes the day special for everyone.

"It is important, more so now than ever, to remind everyone what makes our community great and special."

The event was funded by Lottery Award for AllThe event was funded by the Lottery Award for All (Image: OSAMA_YASIR) (Image: OSAMA_YASIR) Beth Reid, programme & development coordinator, who organised the event said; "I am so proud of all the hard work our staff, volunteers and our partnership organisations put into making this event a success.

"We are growing each year and it was really emotional seeing so many people come together at the end to sing and dance. We have already received requests from organisations wishing to get involved in next year's Harvest Festival. It's been fantastic."

The community group says a special thank you to their development gardener Eric.