Local politicians met with Glasgow Airport to discuss measures to help residents affected by aviation noise.

Marie McNair, MSP for Clydebank, was joined by councillors Lauren Oxley and Sophie Traynor in a meeting to help Whitecrook residents tackle the impact of the noise from aircraft flying overhead.

If the Draft Noise Action Plan 2024 is approved, the airport will extend the Noise Insulation Scheme that will make approximately 650 properties, most of which are in Whitecrook, eligible for grants of up to £5,000 to insulate against aviation noise.

Councillor Lauren Oxley says this has been an issue amongst the community of Whitecrook since the airport opened in 1966 as residents have campaigned 'persistently' for change.

She said: "Myself and my SNP colleagues recently met with Glasgow Airport to discuss their Draft Noise Action Plan 2024 - 2028, which is currently out for consultation.

"Aircraft noise has been an issue that the Whitecrook community, alongside elected representatives, have campaigned on persistently since the Airport opened in 1966 almost 60 years ago, so this is a step in the right direction. 

"I also hope that this will be the start of some repairing of relationships between the airport and the community to allow for further positive conversations on other important issues like nighttime flights. "

Marie McNair, MSP, said: “I was pleased to meet again with some of the Glasgow Airport team, alongside my councillor colleagues, to get an update on their Noise Action Plan and Airspace Change Proposal.

“I am glad to see they have listened to our concerns and, if approved, have extended the number of homes available for funding to insulate their homes against aviation noise. The majority of these will be in the Whitecrook area.

“It’s vital though that my constituents engage with the consultation. I urge them to read it over and make their views known.

“Many areas across my constituency are affected daily by aeroplane noise and I know this can really impact day-to-day life. Rest assured I will continue to engage with the Airport and relay any concerns.”

Residents are encouraged to share their views at https://www.glasgowairport.com/about-us/noise/noise-action-plan-consultation/

The consultation ends on Sunday, October 6.