A DALMUIR charity is set to relaunch its free evening meals initiative next month to help struggling residents cope with the cost of living crisis. 

Jim McLaren, who runs Golden Friendships, insists the step is necessary ahead of the winter period due to the large amount of people struggling in the community.

'Heating and Eating' will take place at the charity's hall in Nairn Place between 5pm and 6pm every Tuesday from October 1 until the end of March.

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Jim explained the importance of the initiative.

(Image: Gordon Terris) "I have seen how many people are struggling locally," he said.

"People should not have to choose between staying warm or eating, we want to offer both to those that need it.

"The service is open to anyone who is struggling whether that be couples, families, pensioners or people living on their own."

The initiative is being funded in part by the National Lottery who are providing £20,000, with Golden Friendships also contributing up to £5000 depending on demand for the service.

It is the second time Jim and the team have run the free meals after previously offering the service in 2022.

"As a charity, we are involved with many different groups and see people struggling all the time," he continued.

"We do a two-course meal on a Wednesday for a fiver, which we subsidise and we also give people food containers away after those sessions so they have provisions for future meals.

"A lot of people are finding things difficult and we want to be able to offer some respite.

"It is a real mix of those who are struggling and it is important for people to know they are not alone."

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Jim previously served 120 people a week two years ago and he expects the number to be larger this time.

(Image: Gordon Terris) "Our staff and volunteers will help to drive the process as it is a big undertaking," he added.

"It will not be easy but it is an important service that we are providing,"