A Clydebank school has become the first in the town to receive a prestigious reading award.

Our Holy Redeemer Primary was given the Scottish Book Trust's Reading Schools Gold Award after introducing several initiatives to promote and encourage reading for pleasure.

The school, with the help of staff and pupil Reading Leaders, has worked hard this year to encourage a love of books.

Initiatives included Borrow Boxes in a local business and at Centre 81, helping at Bookbug sessions at Clydebank Library, and sharing favourite books with residents at local sheltered housing.

The school also established storytelling networks with nurseries and other schools and held family reading sessions in school.  

The school, with the help of staff and pupil Reading Leaders, has worked hard this year to encourage a love of books (Image: Supplied) They were also proud to launch West Dunbartonshire’s first Little Free Library, using book donations from family and the community to offer a free book swap.

Councillor Clare Steel, convener of educational services, said: "This award recognises the commitment and hard work of our school staff to foster a love of reading among children.

"It was great to meet the pupils and hear how passionate they are about their reading and see first-hand the enthusiasm from our teachers and support staff, who have been the driving force in ensuring the school receives this accreditation."

Councillor John Millar, vice convener of educational services, said: "Congratulations to everyone at Our Holy Redeemer Primary School for their part in achieving this award for the children.

"It is so good to hear how engaged the children are in their reading and all the initiatives the school is participating in outwith the school, which is helping our young people foster a love of reading."