AFTER 14 years of Tory chaos, mismanagement, and hardship, this General Election couldn’t have come at a more crucial time. Glasgow now has the opportunity to vote out this out-of-touch and incompetent government.

The Tories have provided a steady stream of scandal and ineptitude, leaving Scotland to suffer the consequences. The collapse of public services, economic mismanagement, dodgy PPE contracts, and the disgraceful Downing Street Covid parties have underscored just how disconnected this government is from the people it serves. Now, we have the chance to end this Tory nightmare and bring about the transformative change our country so desperately needs by electing a Labour government.

The choice is stark. It’s a decision between another five years of Tory economic chaos or a future of strong economic stability and growth with Labour. It's a choice between a Tory government that has eroded workers' rights and suppressed wages and a Labour government committed to making work pay and enhancing workers' rights through our New Deal for Working People.

This election also offers the opportunity to establish a publicly-owned GB Energy company right here in Scotland, positioning our nation as a leader in clean energy. Labour’s vision includes cutting bills, creating jobs, and ensuring energy security, alongside rebuilding the public services the Tories have decimated, particularly by bolstering funding for Scotland’s NHS.

It's time to ensure Scotland’s voice is truly heard in Westminster and within the government. The Tories have been disastrous for Scotland, and SNP MPs have repeatedly put their party's interests above those of Scotland. Both these parties have failed us, but change is within reach. Every vote for Scottish Labour is a vote to install a Labour government with Scotland’s priorities at its heart.

I am campaigning hard for my friend and colleague Patricia Ferguson to be our new MP for Glasgow West. Patricia is deeply committed to our city and has a proven track record of putting our community first. She understands the unique challenges we face and has a forward-thinking, outward-looking vision for our area that includes investing in skills, protecting our environment, preserving our city’s heritage, and enhancing our public services.

With her vast knowledge, experience, and dedication, Patricia will ensure that our voices are heard in Westminster and that our needs are prioritised. She will be an active presence in our community, consistently working to address local issues and improve our constituency. Glasgow West deserves an MP who will always put our community first, and Patricia is the right person for the job. Her commitment to our area is unwavering, and she will fight tirelessly for the interests of Glasgow West.

Scottish Labour MPs will succeed where the SNP has faltered, genuinely standing up for Scotland and delivering tangible results.

This election presents a critical choice between the failed status quo of the Tories and the SNP and the transformative change Labour offers. It’s an opportunity we cannot afford to miss. With a Labour government, we can look forward to higher pay, lower bills, revitalised public services, and a rejuvenated economy. But this can only happen if we vote for it.

This election is the chance for Scotland to not just send a message to Westminster, but to send a government.

It is time for change.