As the General Election looms, Labour are continuously spouting the word change in every message that they put out.

But what change will a Labour government actually provide for Scotland? The short answer is very little.

During the Labour Party’s leadership race, Keir Starmer made a list of pledges about the change he would implement once in charge.

Many of these have already been abandoned or replaced by watered-down versions. 

There have been further pledges made by the Labour Party in their run-up to this election but who’s to say that these will not be abandoned just as fast. 

The only real change a Labour government will bring to Westminster is a change of faces. In most cases, it will just bring a continuation of the current government's agenda of austerity and more right-wing policies being introduced. 

Here in West Dunbartonshire, we are seeing what Labour mean by change and what really happens when Labour are in power.

Since 2022, we have had a majority Labour administration in charge. This has resulted in a wide range of cuts being inflicted on our local community over the last two years.

These are significant cuts to just about every single service area in the council. Some examples include; cuts to education, libraries and community centres being shut and vital assets for local residents being taken away, significant funding cuts to a broad range of local charities and organisations that play a key role in our area and a £60 charge (per bin) being introduced on garden waste pick-ups during a cost of living crisis.

Labour’s General Election candidate in our constituency is West Dunbartonshire Council’s Provost.

Someone who is actively helping to implement these cuts which will have a detrimental impact on our community for years to come. 

So I ask you, is this really the change that we need?

We need strong voices standing up for communities like ours in Westminster. We need representatives who will stand up against austerity and against cuts to public services. 

We need to elect MPs who care deeply about the people they represent and who will push for policies that make life better for the people of Scotland.

The SNP are offering just that. They are putting forward a positive and optimistic alternative to the broken system and failed economy of Westminster.

One that puts the interests of Scotland front and centre and pushes for a future made in Scotland, for Scotland. 

Don’t get short-changed with Starmer’s yes man. On July 4, vote SNP to elect someone who will stand up for West Dunbartonshire’s needs, and hold Labour to their promises for public services, for the NHS and for Scotland.