It’s now been almost 2 weeks since Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom voted overwhelmingly for change, during the weeks preceding polling day I like many other Labour activists and campaigners from all parties spoke to thousands of people across Glasgow West and the message was clear - they don’t want more of the same, they are fed up of two failing governments and they deserve better. Ultimately the result reflected that feeling and I was proud to see my friend, Patricia Ferguson elected as MP for our area.

Patricia will be a strong, experienced voice for all those in Glasgow West - whether they voted for her or not. She has proven that already as a Councillor for Drumchapel/Anniesland and she will take that fight to Westminster and not only to those green benches but to the heart of the new Labour Government. There is already a sense even in this honeymoon period that the grown-ups are back in charge - with announcements and actions put in motion to begin to reverse the damage made by the previous government over the last 14 years but also start to tackle the issues we know are impacting people across the country.

All of this is supported by the appointment of a Cabinet which brings diversity and varied real-life experiences to their roles, experiences which shaped them including the first housing secretary (and Deputy Prime Minister) who actually has lived in social housing. The first education secretary was on free school meals. An energy secretary who understands the challenges of climate change and who is committed to that Just Transition and the first woman chancellor.

Whilst we know much of the detail on policy change is still to be published in full and many of the changes needed will sadly need more than an overnight fix there is no doubt that the priorities outlined by the new UK Government already mark a welcome change from that of its predecessor, one which will hopefully see our country on a more positive, progressive and prosperous future.

Locally, from the many conversations I had with people on their doorsteps, it’s clear to them their concerns range from bin collections and roads to education and health to taxation and the economy. Issues which don’t all fall under Westminster remit but instead across Councillors, MSPs and MPs - now the election is over, it’s time to get back to the day job. I look forward to working with colleagues across the Council and our two Parliaments to build the better neighbourhoods, wards and cities that I know we all desperately want and need.