This is the first article I’ve written since the General Election, and I’m still overwhelmed that we have finally kicked the Tories out once and for all.

We’ve delivered a government that promises economic stability, investment in our key services, and a strong presence on the global stage. This is a responsible party, with grown-ups in the room, ready to lead our nation with integrity and vision.

On July 4, the Labour Party secured a remarkable victory, ushering in a new era for both Scotland and the United Kingdom. This victory is not just a political triumph; it signifies a shared belief in a better, fairer future, as outlined in Labour’s comprehensive manifesto. With Labour’s New Deal for Working People, the party has laid out a blueprint to rejuvenate the nation’s economy, infrastructure, and social services, with a particular focus on renewable energy, social justice, and economic equality.

The King’s Speech highlighted Labour’s ambitious vision, unveiling a series of new bills aimed at building a fairer nation. Among these initiatives is the establishment of a National Wealth Fund, which will invest in infrastructure and public services, alongside the creation of GB Energy, a publicly owned energy company. These projects are crucial to Labour’s goal of transforming the UK into a global leader in sustainable energy, capitalising on the vast renewable resources available in Scotland.

Labour’s plans to reduce bills and increase wages are designed to benefit working Scots directly while also stimulating the overall economy. These measures aim to foster economic stability and growth, addressing the years of mismanagement and low growth under previous Conservative governments.

The introduction of the Budget Responsibility Bill is a key measure to prevent a repeat of past financial mismanagement, ensuring that ordinary people don’t bear the brunt of political failures. This bill, alongside the National Wealth Fund, underpins Labour’s strategy to revitalise the economy and build a more sustainable future. The National Wealth Fund will help unlock Scotland’s full economic potential by supporting investments in key sectors and attracting further private sector contributions. This offers a real roadmap for prosperity for our communities and our country.

One of the standout moments of this election was, by far, the victory of my friend Patricia Ferguson, now our new MP for Glasgow West. I’ll never get tired of calling her that! Patricia’s election was a testament to her dedication and hard work. I was proud to campaign for her virtually every single day, not just because I wanted a Labour win but because I wanted an MP who would put our communities first. Patricia is someone who will fight day and night for us and has always been a strong advocate for social justice, championing policies that directly benefit the most vulnerable in our society. Her campaign resonated with so many because she focused on real issues—affordable housing, fair wages, a green energy plan, and better public services.

Patricia’s dedication to her constituents is evident in her approach to politics. She doesn’t just talk about change; she actively works to make it happen. Her door-to-door efforts and community engagements showed her genuine interest in listening to people’s concerns and finding practical solutions. Whatever the weather threw at us, our campaign kept going, fuelled by the energy of our fantastic candidate, our dedicated election coordinator Paul Cruikshank, and all our fantastic supporters and members. Together, we delivered the biggest Labour win in Glasgow, a result that fills me with incredible pride.

Patricia’s presence in Westminster will be crucial in shaping policies that reflect the needs and aspirations of Glasgow West’s residents. As we celebrate this victory, we also look forward to the work ahead. The promise of Labour’s New Deal, combined with the leadership of MPs like Patricia, offers hope and a clear path forward.

Together, we can realise the vision of a fairer, greener, and more prosperous Scotland, with our best days still to come.